Mr. Prasanna Mahasuara

General Secretary – OBBA

Message from the General Secretary, OBBA

A promising future awaits the Body Building sport in Odisha

Dear Members and Enthusiasts,

As the Secretary of the Odisha Body Building Association (OBBA), I am honored to address you with a message of unity, strength, and progress. It is with great pride that I stand before you, representing an organization that is dedicated to the growth and development of bodybuilding in our region.

Our association is built upon the pillars of passion, commitment, and inclusivity. We are a community of athletes, officials, and supporters who share a common love for the sport and a shared vision for its future. Together, we strive to elevate the standards of bodybuilding in Odisha and create opportunities for all who wish to pursue their fitness goals.

In recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in interest and participation in bodybuilding across our state. From aspiring amateurs to seasoned professionals, the enthusiasm for the sport is palpable, and the potential for growth is limitless. As Secretary, it is my responsibility to ensure that OBBA remains at the forefront of this movement, providing guidance, support, and resources to all those who seek to excel in bodybuilding.

Our association is committed to fostering a culture of excellence, integrity, and sportsmanship. We believe in the power of unity and collaboration, and we are dedicated to creating a supportive environment where every member can thrive and succeed. Whether you are a seasoned competitor or a novice enthusiast, you are valued and respected within our association, and your contributions are essential to our collective success.

As we look towards the future, I am filled with optimism and excitement for what lies ahead. Together, we have the opportunity to shape the destiny of bodybuilding in Odisha and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. With determination, perseverance, and a shared sense of purpose, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every member of the Odisha Body Building Association for your unwavering dedication and support. Together, let us continue to inspire, motivate, and empower one another as we strive for greatness in bodybuilding.